So that night, Amanda introduced me to Daniel. He has turned out to be the most amazing man I've ever met in my life. He's very open with his feelings for me, I never have to worry about whether I'm being overly dorky, overly sensitive, nerdy, doesn't matter, he doesn't care because he loves me for who I am not for some ideal of what a woman should be. The feeling that gives me is indescribable. I love him!
Now, onto the boys!!
Kaiden is 3 years old. He is a little spitfire lemme tell you what! Among his favorite phrases are "Leave me alone!" "Just shut up mom!" And "NOOOOOO!" Oh joy! But, he is an amazing child. He is so smart and imaginitive and he fills me with so much love that I just wanna squeeze him in a big bear hug forever. He is my oldest, my first, the one I'll make the most mistakes with and he's the best surprise I've ever received. I'll never forget the night I found out I was pregnant with him. It feels like yesterday. And I'll really never forget the day he was born. My life has never been the same and I wouldn't have it anyother way.
Ryland, my baby boy, is almost 6 months old now! He is a chunky butt weighing in at just under 20 lbs as of last weekend. He wears 12-18 month clothes and is THE happiest baby I've ever seen! He rarely cries and even when he cries it's brief and always followed by a giggle and a smile! He just started sitting up on his own for brief periods of time and he just amazes me every day!
Right now, my life is pretty near perfect. I'm hoping the rug doesn't get pulled out from under me, but you never know....
Been a while
15 years ago
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